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These foods must be eaten in raw form to get maximum health benefits

Posted on: 02/Jul/2021 9:01:54 AM
Eating raw food diets is considered to be good for health!! Sounds Amazing right!!

It is important to mention that raw food diet refers to uncooked and unprocessed foods. By consuming raw foods, we would be able to get all the nutrients without any additives. Intake of additives might harm the health is known.

By eating these raw foods we could get superb health benefits.

Intake of raw olive oil:
When olive oil is used in raw form, then it is the best because of vitamin E and antioxidants etc. Overheating olive oil by cooking leads to depletion of these ingredients.

Intake of raw berries:
Our body would benefit if we consume berries in raw form. Truth is that after heating these benefits could be reduced significantly. Raw berries could be taken by adding it to Greek yoghurt or it could be eaten as snack also

Intake of raw onions:
It is revealed that we could avoid getting prostate as well as lung cancers if we eat raw onions. Raw onions have cancer fighting compounds plus sulphur compounds and these would help us to avoid cancers. Raw onions could be added to salads and consumed.

Intake of raw nuts:
Nutritional value of nuts decreases when heated. By eating raw nuts, our body would get magnesium and iron. Heating would increase the calories and fats and magnesium and iron content would decrease.

Intake of red bell pepper:
It is known that red bell pepper has vitamin C and cooking reduces this vitamin. We could get superb benefits if we consume red bell pepper in grilled or by eating with little hummus.

Intake of raw coconut:
Instead of adding coconut to cooking dishes, it is superb to consume coconut in raw form. Raw form has got more electrolytes and nutrients than cooked.

Intake of raw garlic:
It is believed that by eating garlic raw we could get cancer fighting compounds present in it. Cooking would reduce its nutritional value.

Intake of raw beetroot:
Truth is that when we heat beetroot then it would lose nearly 25% of its nutrients. Hence, consuming beetroot raw is good for health. The nutritious nature of beetroot is mainly due to the reddish colour. The folate present in beetroot helps in brain development and cell reproduction.

Intake e of raw tomatoes:
When we eat tomatoes in raw form then we could avoid certain health conditions like bone loss, cancer, kidney stones, diabetes etc. The vitamins, minerals etc present in tomatoes are highly beneficial for us.

Intake of raw avocado:
This avocado could be eaten raw by using it the salads, sandwiches etc. It is known that avocado is rich in fibre content and low in carbohydrates. Cooking would destroy all its nutrients.

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