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Be careful about these habits that would make you look older

Posted on: 09/Jul/2021 9:01:47 AM
We all want to look younger always but the bitter truth is that this is not at all possible. The process of ageing or becoming older is inevitable. Ageing is termed as the structural and functional changes that get accumulated in an organism over a period of time. Though it is a natural process, it is true that we could delay this ageing by avoiding some daily habits.

It is possible to avoid getting old faster by doing these.

By avoiding excess screen time:
Not many are aware of the fact that continuous exposure to blue light could result in faster ageing. It is not possible to cut screen time because of the work from home situation. Truth is that we could reduce the screen time by avoiding binge watching or by cutting down the time spent on social networking sites.

By sleeping on time:
We could lose a few years from our lives if we do not sleep at the correct time. It must be noted that by not sleeping at the correct time we are speeding up ageing and also inviting cardiovascular diseases etc in us. So, please be careful.

By quitting smoking:
Many of us smoke and smoking has become a habit. This smoking is not only highly dangerous to the health but also we could increase the ageing in us to a huge extent. We could have visible signs of ageing if we smoke continuously. The skin would lose its ability to regenerate cells and by this we would look older.

By avoiding sedentary lifestyle:
This could also be one major reason for speedy ageing in us. It is a fact that a sedentary lifestyle could make us unhealthy. By not moving enough and not consuming healthy foods, our skin could get affected and we would look old quickly. It is important that we must avoid a sedentary lifestyle. We must eat healthy snacks, fruits etc that could improve our lifespan.

By taking proper skin care:
Many of us would do most of the things correctly but do not care much about their skin. It is important to note that we need not follow multiple skincare routines for our health but cleansing/moisturizing is essential.

By avoiding too much meat intake:
The lifespan gets negatively affected when we consume excess or meat. There are some research studies that have shown the link between over intake of meat and premature ageing and faster death. So, take care.

By avoiding consumption of coffee after certain time:
It is revealed that for some people, intake of coffee after 3pm in the evening could interfere with their sleep. Due to this, the rejuvenation time gets cut d down. This rejuvenation time is very much needed for memory retention, stable moods etc.

By avoiding intake of more trans - fats:
It is worthy to note that skin cells as well as health get affected by trans-fats. Intake of foods with more trans- fats like baked foods, fried foods etc could make our skin less hydrated. This could then lead to faster development of wrinkles etc.

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