How many of us know what edamame beans are?
Whole immature soybeans that are greenish in colour are edamame beans. It is known that soya beans are one of the world’s highly popular food crops.Point to be noted is that soya beans are processed into a variety of food products such as soy proteins, tofu, soya bean oil etc. These soya beans can also be eaten whole, including immature soybeans called edamame beans. Many eat edamame beans these days as they provide plenty of health benefits.
Some superb health benefits of consuming edamame beans are
Rich in proteins:
Many plant based foods are low in protein content but there are also few exceptions like beans etc. It must be noted that a cup or 155gms of cooked edamame beans would provide 18.5 grams of proteins.
Lowers cholesterol:
High cholesterol levels could lead to heart issues is a well known fact. Intake of edamame beans could lower the cholesterol levels in us and we could be free from heart diseases etc. the presence of proteins, fibres and antioxidants etc plays a superb role in lowering the cholesterol levels.
No increase in blood sugar levels:
Those with diabetes could eat edamame without having fear of blood sugar increase. These beans are low in carbohydrates plus they measure very low on the glycemic index.
Risk of breast cancer gets reduced:
The isoflavones present in edamame beans play a huge role here. The breast cancer risk is reduced in women.
Lowers menopausal symptoms:
Many women in their menopause stage get issues like hot flashes, mood swings, sweating etc. Here certain bacteria are able to convert isoflavones into equol. This equol is responsible for many health benefits. The above said symptoms of menopause get controlled.
Lowers the risk of prostate cancer:
Many men get affected with prostate cancer and it is believed that eating edamame beans could reduce the risk.
Lowers osteoporosis:
Many elderly people have osteoporosis or bone loss issues with fragile bones. The truth is that these bones could break any time. Consuming edamame beans could lower the risk of bone loss especially in the menopausal elder women.