Kumari Palany & Co

Having any of these abnormal period symptoms, then women must never hesitate to consult the doctor!!

Posted on: 12/Nov/2021 5:45:25 PM
Majority of women get their first periods when they are in their teen age and every month periods or menstruation would occur as a part of her monthly cycle.

When a woman or girl gets her period, then she doesn’t have to have any more accidental blood stains. Truth is that every woman would have to go through 5 to 7 days of difficulty before she could be carefree again. Hence, it is said that getting periods is said to be both a blessing as well as curse for a woman. Information is that on an average a woman’s cycles would last for 28 days and het periods would last for 3 to 5 days. Most healthy women would have periods for just 3days.

A woman must never ignore these important symptoms of her periods.

Heavy bleeding:
Uncontrollable bleeding during periods must never be ignored by women as it might lead to further complications in her. Some women might also have anaemia like symptoms, especially fatigue, shortness of breath along with heavy bleeding. Heavier bleeding could be due to various factors like uterine fibroids, miscarriage, uterus cancer etc. So, please be careful.

Blood spotting between periods:
Presence of uterine cyst or ploy, fibroids etc could lead to blood spotting between periods. Women must not take this lightly. Blood spotting could be due to precancerous growth also. It is very important that she must consult a gynaecologist.

Periods for more than 7 days:
It is not normal when a woman gets periods for more than 7 days. This condition is termed as menorrhagia. Abnormal growth in the uterus is revealed by this menorrhagia.

Late periods and stoppage in periods:
Primary amenorrhea is an issue when a girl doesn’t get her periods even at the age of 16. Secondary amenorrhea is a condition where menses have started at the right age but have stopped for 3 months or above. It is necessary that a woman gets treated for these.

Severe abdominal cramps:
Getting cramps during periods or menstruation is normal for a woman but some women get unbearable or severe pain during their periods. She won’t be able to get up from the bed. This condition is called dysmenorrhea. The women would also have other symptoms like diarrhoea, nausea, headache, vomiting etc. Very painful periods could be due to factors like endometriosis and fibroids etc.

Bleeding in between periods:
One important period issue that women must never ignore is bleeding between their 2 periods. This could be due to reasons like not taking birth control pills or uterus cancer etc.

Larger blood clots:
Larger blood clots in a woman during her periods could indicate hyperthyroidism, symptomatic anaemia etc.

Irregular or skipped periods:
Menstrual cycles in a woman could get disrupted due to some forms of birth control pills, stress or due to excessive exercise etc. As a result, she would have irregular periods. If the reason is temporary, then the woman would have normal periods again next month. Irregular periods could also reveal that the woman is pregnant.