Not many would be aware of the fact that rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease and it could affect more than joints also. When a person’s immune system attacks healthy body tissues then it could lead to rheumatoid arthritis. The affected person would have inflammation and severe joint pain etc. Point is that rheumatoid arthritis could affect our hands, wrists and feet but in some people it might even affect eyes, lungs, heart, blood vessels etc. It is true that early diagnosis of this issue could reduce the risk of complications. By identifying the symptoms at the early stage, it would be possible to manage the issue easily.
Various early signs or symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are
High fatigue:
One of the most important early signs of rheumatoid arthritis issue is high or excessive fatigue. The person could be extremely tired even before the symptoms like joint pain occurs. Doing regular tasks could also be tough for these people. Fact is that the body would use all of its energy to fight inflammation.
Unexplained weight loss:
It is revealed that a combination of unexplained weight loss along with prolonged fatigue is an important early sign of this issue. Point is that it is an indirect inflammation that is caused due to an attack on the tissues.
Joint stiffness:
Especially in the morning, the person would have joint stiffness and after the period of inactivity the episode of joint stiffness would appear throughout the day. The person would have tightness in his or her wrists, knees and feet etc.
Numbness and tingling sensation:
The nerves in us would have excessive pressure due to the inflammation of tissues. This could then result in numbness, tingling sensations etc in hands and legs. Truth is that even basic activities like walking and moving objects from one place to another etc would be tough due to tender joints.
Restricts movement:
Another early sign is that a person with rheumatoid arthritis would not be able to move freely from one place to another due to joint stiffness and tenderness. The issue would progress with time and tendons and ligaments would also get damaged.
Redness in joints:
Inflammation of the tissues could lead to reddish colour in the joints. The person would have discolouration of skin around the joints in the hands and feet etc.
Feverish and unwell:
It is worthy to note here that those with rheumatoid arthritis would feel feverish and unwell. This is also one early sign to watch out for. <;