Not all the kids are the same!!
Certain kids would be strong emotionally while other kids might be very sensitive and they might not be able to deal with the emotions in an easy or cool manner. These kids might express their emotions by crying or they would become sad more often.
Truth is that kids might find the emotions big for their age. Parents must not criticise the kids but they have to teach their kids to become stronger emotionally. It must be taken into account that learning to handle emotions over time would be better for the kids.
Various ways by which parents would be able to help their emotionally sensitive kid are
Distinguish between feelings and behaviour:
Parents must teach their kids to distinguish between feeling and behaviour. Kids must express their feelings in an appropriate way. The parents must tell their kids that even though they might be angry or sad they must not show that in a rough manner.
Validate and accept their feelings:
Parents must never ask their kids to stop feeling upset or negate their feelings. The kids would be able to deal with the emotions by support and by love only. If the parents neglect their kids, then the kids also would become more sensitive in nature.
Teaching kids about coping:
The kids must be taught about various ways of coping mechanisms such as deep breathing, counting backwards and establishing downtime etc. There are studies that have shown that labelling feelings could also be successful for the emotional kid.
Knowing the trigger:
Triggers that could lead to sadness in the kids must be found out by the parents. The kids must be helped to identify the reason that has made them behave in a certain manner. By this, they would be able to cope up with the outbursts in a better manner.
Teach them using example:
For kids, family and parents is everything and they learn many things by observing the family. The kids would notice how their parents handle various emotions and try to follow them. Therefore, parents must first be a good example for their kids to follow.
Not try to solve fix everything:
Parents must not try to fix everything but must help their kids through their problems. By this, the kids would have emotional maturity and integrity etc. It is worthy to note that for raising stronger kids the parents must not pamper their kids.