Kumari Palany & Co

Is it okay to drink black coffee every day? - Important things to know!!

Posted on: 16/Aug/2024 10:54:25 AM

Many of us drink hot black coffee every morning. How many of us really know whether drinking black coffee everyday is good or bad?

What is black coffee?

It refers to coffee that is brewed without the addition of ingredients such as milk, cream, sugar etc. It is true that mostly black coffee is consumed by those who want a more intense coffee experience.

 Health benefits of drinking black coffee are

Rich in antioxidants:

The presence of chlorogenic acid in black coffee would help us to fight free radicals. Oxidative stress would get lowered by these antioxidants. As a result, we could avoid getting chronic issues like cancer, heart disease etc.

Improves cognitive functions:

Our central nervous system would get stimulated by caffeine present in the black coffee. By this, we would have less chances of getting affected by Alzheimer`s Disease or Parkinson’s Disease etc. This is due to the fact that we would have increased alertness, focus memory power etc.

Good for weight loss:

Thermogenesis would be stimulated when we drink black coffee every day. This would help us to burn excess fat and finally aids in weight management.

Reduces type 2 diabetes risk:

There is a possibility of avoiding type 2 diabetes by drinking black coffee regularly due to improved insulin sensitivity.

Disadvantages of drinking black coffee every day:

Increased acid reflux:

Lower esophageal sphincter would get relaxed by drinking black coffee. This would lead to more heartburn and GERD condition etc in us. Please be careful.

Addiction and dependency:

We could get physically dependent on black coffee if we drink it regularly. By stopping drinking black coffee, we could get withdrawal symptoms like headaches, irritability, fatigue etc.

Interference with sleep:

It must be noted that caffeine has a half life of 5 to 6hours and drinking black coffee in the evening etc could interfere with the sleep pattern.

Increased BP:

There are chances of short term rise in the blood pressure by drinking black coffee every day. This could be dangerous for those with hypertension etc as it could result in heart based issues. Please take care.