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Yoga & Weight Loss!

Posted on: 02/Jan/2015 10:14:33 AM

Surplus weight gain has turned out to be a prodigy in today`s era, as lifestyles have become inactive, and food more abundant with extra calories. Today our children select T.V. over their friends and play, just a copy of their parents who also somewhere choose T.V. over entertaining or even over employing time with their children.

These are just a few factors, which have upshot in high amount of people with the issues of excess weight or obesity. Stress, wrong food habits (irregular timings for food, unhealthy and junk food), scarce of exercise, thyroid problem and so on might be some of the reasons causing in weight gain.

To drop weight, it is significant to do so, not simply by attempting diets, or exercise programs, which are too tiresome, which may yield outcomes but which do not keep you that way. By these approaches sometimes after instant loss of weight the skin wilts making one feel worse. The best approach is to drop weight gradually and for decent. Yoga serves a good result to this problem. Yoga pitches the body in a costumed and uniformed manner, disparate any "weight loss program" which dues to cut your butts by this much inches and waist, running to side effects. Yoga can be followed at any age to maintain your body agile.

A simple plan to shrink weight naturally:

Cleansing Techniques:

  • Kunjal Kriya (Cleansing Stomach and Lungs)
  • Basti (Cleansing Colon cleansing)
  • Laghu Shankha Prakshalan (Digestive system cleansing Approach)
  • Baghi (Tiger Exercise)
  • Yoga Asans (Postures) : Sun Salute (Do 2 times and hold for 3 breaths on each pose) -Tree pose, Angle pose, Triangle pose, Hero pose I and II, Locust pose, Cobra pose, Camel pose, Aeroplane pose, Wind releasing pose, Child pose Spinal and Cat pose.

Yogic Asans to Stiffen the Abdomen: Abdominal lift; Child pose; Cobra pose; Wind freeing pose; Yogic cap pose; Spinal twist; lying on back pose such as baat p pose, Naval Move Asana.

Yogic Asans for arms and legs: Tree pose; Hero pose; Dog pose (face up and down); Swinging lotus pose; Bridge pose (face up and down), Celibacy pose, Squat and rise pose.

Yoga plan to Stiffen the chest: Triangle pose, Hero pose, Baat pose (lying on back), Cobra pose, Wind releasing pose, Dog pose (face up and down), Lumbar wheel pose, Spinal twist.

Yoga Asans to tone up thighs and hips: Sun salute, Hero pose I + II, Triangle pose, Angle pose, Dog pose (face and down), Celibacy pose, Advanced wind releasing pose, Butterfly pose.

Pranayama (Breathing exercises)

Yogic Breathing: Inhale- First blow your abdomen, and then swell the chest. When exhaling, first ease the chest and then the abdomen. Follow like this for about 10 times.

Meditation and Relaxation

Concentrate your attention on your breathing, sense its temperature and sustain your breathing, fully equalised (i.e. gulp breath for 3 sec and exhale breathe for 3 sec).

Naturopathic treatment

This can be achieved in combination with the above yogic exercise plan. In case of the naturopathic treatment you ought to consult a naturopath expert.

Chromo Therapy: It refers to treatment of disease employing sun-rays, directly or indirectly including sun-charged water, oil and so on.

  • Green water is pale and neutral in nature and aid to lessen surplus heat in the body.
  • About 1 cup or 25 ml of Yellow or Orange water should be consumed twice after each major meal. It is essential for cases in which indecent digestion and pomposity is there.

Hydro therapy: It refers to the treatment of illness with water.

  • Cold shower should be attained after entire body dry friction, and aids in thawing and burning fat. It also assists in cases of cellulite.
  • Steam or Sauna or Hot foot bath: They all aid to burn fat by eliminating toxins and sullen matter from the body. Aids to dissolve fat.
  • Enema: This is an approach of cleaning the intestinal tract.
  • Water intake: 8 to 12 glasses of water ought to be consumed every day. Water should be taken a minimum of half an hour before every meal.
  • Fasting: It also aids in scorching fat.

Dicto therapy: Carbohydrates is one of the chief source of weight gain. Breakfast may entail of food composing of proteins and fat. Lunch should comprise more of carbohydrates and dinner should be stuffed more of proteins. In addition upsurge of vitamins and minerals via vegetables and fruit will aid you fill stomach and change the quality of calories and cut down fat. Cellulose and fibre taken in form of wheat or oat bran are highly healthful to cleanse digestive system and assist to shrink fat from body.

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