Justice Mohammed Hidayathullah M.A., Barrister-at-law, LL.D.
(Honoris Causa) (University of Philippines), D. Litt. (Honoris
Causa) (Universities of Bhopal and Kakatiya)
Born on: December 17, 1905
Father's Name: Khan Bahadur Hafiz M. Wilayatuallah
Spouse's Name: Shrimati Pushpa Shah
Positions Held:
Advocate-General, Central Provinces and Berar, 1943-46,
Puisne Judge, 1946-54 ,Chief Justice, Nagpur High Court,
1954-56, Chief Justice, Madhya Pradesh High Court, 1956-58;
Puisne Judge, Supreme Court of India, 1958-68; Chief Justice
of India, 1968-70;
President of :
Indian Law Institute, 1968-70,
International Law Association (Indian Branch), 1968-70
Indian Society of International law, 1968-70
Indian Red Cross Society, 1982
Author of :
Democracy in India and the Judicial Process
The South-West Africa Case
Judicial Methods
A Judge's Miscellany
USA and India
A Judge's Miscellany (Second Series)
The Fifth and Sixth Schedules to the Constitution of India
My Own Boswell (Autobiography)
Editor, Mulla's Mahomedan Law and Constitutional Law of
Recipient of :
Order of the British Empire, 1946
Order of Yugoslav Flag with Sash, 1970
Medallion and Plaque of Merit Philconsa, Manila, 1970
Knight of Mark Twain, 1971
Vice-President of India and ex-officio Chairman,
Rajya Sabha, 31-8-1979 to 30-8-1984
Acting President of India, 20-7-1969 to 23-8-1969
and 6-10-1982 to 31-10-1982.
Died on 18th September, 1992.