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Married Life

Is the word diverting us to the “world of dreams”?

Most of us when we think about the married life, good things first nurture our thoughts and bring about a smile from the bottom of our heart. When it comes to people who are single and ready to mingle will always have their great hopes running across their minds. Whereas married people would definitely like to think about the first joy which they experienced and the first moment where they received the first gift from their loved ones.

So people of all categories of ages will first love to think about the joy moments or happy incident which lingers in their mind. Its always a great feeling to all since those moments are always cherished in one’s mind and would love to think again or would wish to go back to past and experience it once more. Yes, as said, the beautiful incident which happens in everyone’s life where you have a person to whom you can share your words, thoughts, feelings, emotions and many more which are inexpressible to others. So does married life denotes the happy moments alone, or also the various hurdles crossed our ways. Each and every incident reminds us that, there is always someone for us who have helped us and also helping us still to cross all the hurdles or downturn.

A relationship can lose its charm over the years but it’s always the duty of the couple to make it blossom throughout their life. You can make these things come possible among the relationship by taking up some small mere steps like;

A) Create a space for your loved one – Buy time to spend your time together like, weekend outings or a short trip to near by places which amuses both of you. Do not include anyone along with the trip thinking more than two people is fun and frolic. Always have a space for you as a couple and enjoy time together alone when you have the chance to, else create one.

B) Share your day-today activities – End of day before heading towards bed try to talk about what happened the whole day be it a hectic work or just heating the chair. In other words tell the other person of what you did and what were your feelings towards it. Share your thoughts or ideas since we may not know our loved ones might give us a solution or at least soothe ourselves from a hectic or a lousy day. In this way you can both update each other on daily activities and never feel apart. Do not switch on the television or your pc or talk to hours over the phone to your colleagues about work or to your friends since those are the worst thing which affects the personal relationship at home.

C) Try to surprise – Never forget the special days in life like your loved ones’ birthday, woman’s day and many more. And also try to surprise them by giving some small gifts which goes on an unexpected day since that surpasses all the hard feeling, if any. Remember that everyone would be excited and also happy about an unexpected happy incidents waiting on their way.

D) Reach your hand to help your loved ones at home – Help them when they are cooking or cleaning at home alone, try to share the work always so that one person shouldn’t be having a feeling of over worked at home and by doing the work together will also bond your relationship to more smoother married life. Lets us also be aware that, both men and woman are working nowadays where gone are the days when only woman used to take care of house hold activities but rather, they are seen working in all fields as men do. Every men needs to understand this; and make sure every house hold activities are shared and done with utmost pleasure.

By following these you can make sure that your married life will always cherish now and ever with a strong bond of love and care.

Happy Married Life!!!

Author - Mary Ramya

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