If the tax liability of an individual is above Rs 10,000 during a financial year, the taxpayer is liable to pay taxes in parts rater than paying it at the end of the year.
‘My Plan Family’ from Airtel
Targeting to ease the use of mobile connections with the family members, Airtel has introduced the new ‘My plan’.
Gold rate reduced Rs.112 per sovereign
The cost of gold has reduced Rs.112 per sovereign on Thursday evening (Dec 11, 2014).
Gold rate reduced Rs.16 per sovereign
The cost of gold has reduced Rs.16 per sovereign on Thursday morning (Dec 11, 2014).
Online Shopping is increasing day by day. People like to purchase more through online modes than by visiting showrooms the reason being convenience and low prices.
The Reserve Bank of India will soon come out with single authentication payment norms for low value e-commerce transactions without any compromise on security.
Gold rate increased Rs.392 per sovereign
The cost of gold has increased Rs.392 per sovereign on Wednesday morning (Dec 10, 2014).
Security Parameters for Visa
Indian Missions grant visa to foreign nationals based on detailed instructions issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs from time to time with regard to various types of visas.
Gold rate increased Rs.160 per sovereign
The cost of gold has increased Rs.160 per sovereign on Tuesday evening (Dec 09, 2014).