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Articles >> Our Responsibilities in this age



Our Responsibility In This Age

Our immediate responsibility in this age carries forward to the next generations. Therefore what we practically do during our life time is going to effect our next generation. Our values, our traditions, our morals, our attitudes, our principles or any other realism of our day-to-day living is going to rocket into the next generation in the same packet. All our values, deeds, habits and other socio-cultural implications—our responsibility in this age—shall pave the way for the next generation. Our children, grandchildren, their children and their grand children are ultimately going to be effected in the end, by our responsibility in this age! Therefore if what we do is right; then we would have achieved our responsibility in this age.

If we are treading an in-correct path, then it is our responsibility in this age, to choose a different bend in the corner, and move in the right direction. We need ourselves to guide in the correct path so as to set an example for the next generation. What we are today is because of our parents. Had their parents been not responsible in their age, things would have been different today. So, we are the torch bearers for the next generation. Our responsibility in this age lies in giving the best of the values, traditions and morals to our children, so that, when their time comes, they would carry forward our responsibility with equal fervor.

We would be surprised to see the world to be materialistic. Every relationship, every deed or action is being measured in a ‘materialistic balance’ weighted for benefits. Let us not fall into such a trap. We have our responsibility in this age, to give to the people, the poor, the needy and the sick. Let us all help to help the deprived, the needy and the sick, live like us.

Let us not forget the contribution of Mother Theresa in this context. She has left behind such a tradition of love and affection towards the poor and the needy, that her exceptional, brilliant and outstanding service to the poor, sick and the needy, without expecting anything in return, is remembered for generations to generations and for the coming generations too. Except for the people like her, the world would have ended long ago, laded with sin. We therefore should remember our responsibility in this age, inspired by people like her, and take up a good cause for living.

We should all pledge to see that our responsibility in this age does not end up stale. We should strive hard to upkeep our morals and values. But our responsibility in this age does not alone end there. We should ensure that our responsibility in this age is diverted not just to earn name and fame, wealth and health for ourselves and our family, but allow ourselves to set an example by doing well to the people—helping the needy, tending the sick, promoting good values, opposing bad practices and more.

Unless we have the best intentions, we cannot accomplish our responsibility in this age. We should always remember that children are like wet cement; what ever impression we are going to make on them, will remain effaced forever. Therefore our responsibility in this age lies in guiding them and allowing them to uphold our traditions, cultures and values for being preserved for the next generations to come. Let us all unite and sing the song of ‘our responsibility of this age’ in unison for a better tomorrow.

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