Parents - Attention Please
Hello Parents ! The most tensed and excited thing in parenthood is looking out for a best school or college for our children. This not only talks about the tensed state of mind but also about the knowledge which we get to hear or know from other parents or neighbors or relatives who are grateful to help us with their knowledge. It also binds us to a steadfast approach towards our goal since the school or colleges are not about academics alone but also which teaches many values to our growing children. Meeting the application deadlines and waiting for an interview with the correspondence or people from head of department for our children along with us are all great duties. After all the effort taken and at last have decided upon the college or school, then the next step is to prepare yourself while sending your children to school or college for the first time. Tips to prepare yourself
Try going along with your children to school on the first day.
Drop them at school and also make sure to stay there and watch if
things are at comfort. First plan and get up early in the morning ,so that you and your child are not late on the very first day. If the school or colleges is located far off, then arrange transportation or if it is provided by the school or colleges make sure to use that comfort if it’s up to your budget. But you need to also think about their safety, concern and timeliness. If the college is located in different part of place then hostel has to be an option to be considered.
Give a healthy talk about the school, teachers, and also how well he/she must behave in school for entering the school campus for the first time. Send them a proper lunch and water on the first day so that they do not struggle while they see other children eating. Always remember to read the strict rules followed which will be given in the school calendar or college prospectus. Make sure they carry a notebook and a pen along with them. A big NO to carry any gadgets like mobile, MP3, IPod, etc., to schools or colleges. Discuss about your likeness towards the school or college preference and how your children feel to go. Check and find out if your child is happy about the school and the playground, and you can also ask the teacher end of the day about the behavior of your child’s comfort level. Ask your child about the college, friends, teachers, and environment, and how they generally feel about it when they returned back to home. Talk openly if any raging has taken place and did that affect him/her emotionally or mentally or physically else, if he/she wasn’t affected but rather enjoyed the general raging then tell him/her that it is the same way those same people would turn to be their best friends in college.