The Chennai Meteorological Centre has informed that there is a prospect for medium rains in a few places due to the phenomenon of thermal convection in Tamil Nadu northern coastal districts today.
Posted On :05/Jul/2020 12:40:03 PM
The meteorological department had predicted that interior districts of TN and many places belonging to the north coastal region would get light to moderate rains till Saturday.
Posted On :03/Jul/2020 9:47:09 AM
Many places in Chennai received sporadic rains yesterday. Upper air circulation or UAC has been the real reason for the rains in the city of Chennai yesterday.
Posted On :29/Jun/2020 10:24:28 AM
As regards the Chennai Metro City, the sky will remain somewhat cloudy and there are prospects for medium rains in a few places in the city.
Posted On :23/Jun/2020 10:14:57 PM
The rainfall might be due to a cyclonic circulation that is expected to develop over the Bay of Bengal. Around 25th and 26 of June, there would be rains in north TN including Chennai.
Posted On :23/Jun/2020 10:24:19 AM
With the heavy rains during the night yesterday in the districts of Chennai, Kanchipuram, and Thiruvallur, the intense heat experienced thus far got subsided and there was a pleasant climate!
Posted On :22/Jun/2020 12:40:54 PM
Regional Meteorological Centre or RMC, Chennai department officials on Sunday, 21st June 2020, have conveyed that southwest monsoon and heat wave would bring light rains in some places in the Chennai city.
Posted On :22/Jun/2020 9:57:40 AM