In South India, Coastal Tamil Nadu will receive light to moderate rains until December 21. Rain might increase in interior parts also on December 22.
Posted On :19/Dec/2017 1:00:06 PM
Storm Kai Tak had formed in the Southwest Pacific Ocean on December and began to move in a west-northwest direction towards Eastern Samar province. Since then, it has already given heavy rains over eastern parts of Visayas.
Posted On :19/Dec/2017 12:04:13 PM
It has been quiet for the city of Chennai for the last few days in terms of rain. In fact, the city has not witnessed any rainfall during the last fifteen days.
Posted On :19/Dec/2017 10:43:45 AM
The Chennai Meteorological Centre has informed that a new low-pressure zone has formed over the Andaman Sea.
Posted On :18/Dec/2017 10:29:17 PM
For the last many days, Chennai rains have remained on backfoot. Blame it all on the absence of any significant weather system over or around the region. This had also kept Northeast Monsoon subdued.
Posted On :18/Dec/2017 10:09:16 AM
Chennai and Mumbai are the two coastal cities situated on the either side of the Indian coast, East Coast and West Coast, respectively.
Posted On :18/Dec/2017 9:38:32 AM
Tamil Nadu has once again become dry ever after some good rains lashed the state during the span of Cyclone Ockhi. Rains have now taken a backseat and the reason for the absence of rains.
Posted On :16/Dec/2017 5:52:09 PM