The Tamil Nadu public exam board has instructed all class 12 students to fill the OMR sheet of Computer Science examination only using black color ball point pen.
Posted On :17/Mar/2017 9:46:26 AM
The written test for the direct appointment of Junior Assistants under Group-4 Category for the year 2015-16 was conducted on 16th November 2016.
Posted On :16/Mar/2017 3:47:06 PM
The task of correcting the answer papers for the SSLC examinations, currently in progress, will start from 1st April. More than 40000 teachers will be engaged in this task.
Posted On :15/Mar/2017 12:17:00 PM
Officers IAS Academy, Anna Nagar is organizing Mock Interview Sessions from 18th March (Saturday) for all candidates who have cleared the Civil Services Mains and have been called for an Interview.
Posted On :15/Mar/2017 9:34:44 AM
The fees for education has been increased by most schools by 20 to 30 percent. As the bus fare has also been increased by a steep margin, the parents have been put to extreme hardship.
Posted On :13/Mar/2017 3:58:26 PM