Chennai, the capital of Tamil Nadu, is set to witness a major infrastructural change with the construction of three new flyovers in the next two years.
Posted On :14/Mar/2023 12:21:16 PM
In an effort to enforce the Motor Vehicle Act and reduce road traffic accidents, the Chennai Police Department has announced that movable properties of those who fail to pay fines for drunk driving will be seized.
Posted On :14/Mar/2023 10:52:10 AM
Yesterday afternoon, the traffic along the Chennai-Trichy National Highways was disrupted.
Posted On :08/Mar/2023 9:03:53 AM
Hereafter, the traffic police personnel in Chennai would have to do additional work and their mobile phones would be used more!!
Posted On :04/Mar/2023 9:07:15 AM
Chennai police conducted a special drive against wrong-way driving on Tuesday and Wednesday, booking 5,667 cases and collecting Rs 15.67 lakh in fines.
Posted On :03/Mar/2023 11:39:02 AM