Most of us interested in buying a home are entirely dependent on bank loans. However, it may not be wise to decide on buying a home wile exclusively depending on the bank loans.
Posted On :16/Jun/2018 4:30:22 PM
The Inspector General of the state government Registration Department has released orders to implement the new procedures regarding the checking of the old related documents of an immovable asset during registration.
Posted On :14/Jun/2018 12:58:31 PM
Whenever a registration of an immovable asset is being registered, the ownership of the applicant must be confirmed while issuing the letters pertaining to the authority, change of ownership, gift, settlement arrangement.
Posted On :08/Jun/2018 4:12:31 PM
The applicants who desire to carry out some changes in the originally submitted layout plans to the Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) need to pay charges of Rs. 2000.
Posted On :28/May/2018 2:26:21 PM
Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority (CMDA) releases approved layout for the framework of unapproved plots in the Chennai Metropolitan Area. People with the unapproved plots can find the layout framework.
Posted On :12/May/2018 6:01:38 PM