To be relevant and updated, keep the business in the pace of technology, every Business should have a website, Irrespective of the nature of the Business, having a website will gain a permanent identity to your Business
Posted On :29/Jun/2017 11:51:30 AM
Nowadays we all use Emails for our Business communications, let it be sending the quotes to clients/customers, placing the orders or any form of communication to our clients, employees are mostly done through emails only.
Posted On :28/Jun/2017 2:32:23 PM
J Sampath is the Managing Director of JB Soft System, running the organisation successfully since 2001, with more than 2000 clients, He supports his clients through his services like Web solutions, Web consultancy, sharing Best Business practices.
Posted On :28/Jun/2017 11:46:56 AM
It is breathtaking to know that JB Soft System, with all its passion and determination has successfully completed 16 years of servicing and stepping into the 17th today!
Posted On :03/Jun/2017 9:32:46 AM
Looking for a simple, effective and affordable marketing follow-up system? Look no further, JBCRM is the perfect fit for you.
Posted On :29/Apr/2017 11:35:33 AM