Kumari Palany & Co

Quick tips to keep your infants safe this summer

Posted on: 18/Apr/2017 5:18:54 PM
Dehydration, fever, sunstroke, vomiting, insect bites, dengue, allergies, etc are among the most common problems with infants during summer. To keep these at bay, follow these simple tips.
Hydrate your baby often. Infants aging below 6 months should be breastfed often so that they are well hydrated. At the same time, the mums need to be hydrated too so that they are able to breastfeed adequately.
While bathing your baby, take care of neck, underarms, and the other folds of body. Keep your baby cool and clean with more baths in a day. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil or neem oil to the bathing water. This will act as natural disinfectant. If you have applied massage oil to your baby, take special care to wash it off well while bathing.
While heading out with your baby, keep the infant safe at crowded places, extremely high temperature, and direct scorching sunlight, particularly at bone-dry winds.
To keep your baby cool and relaxed, the clothes you choose for her should be too thin and of cotton fabric so that her skin feels light to breathe. When there is inundating mosquito population in your locale, cover arms and legs of the baby with a light cloth that in turn is breathable like cotton or linen.
Keep your house well ventilated by having the windows open. However, do not open it up when there is heavy blow of hot dry wind. Make use of quality disinfectant for cleaning the home.

When any others at your home is infected with virus, request them to frequently wash hands using soap, and have your baby away from them. When your baby falls sick, approach a medical practitioner immediately. Depending on the weight, the doctor would suggest appropriate dosage of paracetamol to heal her ache or fever.