Kumari Palany & Co

Is it harmful to take tablets frequently for acidity?

Posted on: 03/Oct/2017 10:11:39 AM
Nowadays, it is a routine to buy tablets for the complaint of acidity. However, these will work only for a limited period. If taken frequently, they may even stop the body`s production of HCL - HCL Secretion. Apart from this harm, it may even lead to loss of appetite, jaundice and digestion problems.

If it affects the esophagus, it would be difficult to swallow solid stuff. Irritation in the chest may be felt. It would seem as the food had got stuck in the esophagus and it may ache. There will be a gradual loss of appetite. There will be frequent belching with acidic flavour. Vomiting with blood, persistent cough, breathing problems may occur and then there is even the possibility of cancer in the esophagus.

Please, do not neglect this considering it is only mild chest irritation. It is important to ascertain whether this irritation is from the heart or the esophagus. The reason for this, some of the people have irritation in the chest as the symptom for heart attack.

The main reasons are totally absence of physical exercise, having a job which needs to be done sitting most of the time, and a busy or hectic lifestyle.

When a person puts on weight, the fat content in the stomach increases. There is a paunch which squeezes the gastric system. If this pressure is high, the acid produced affects the valves in the esophagus.

Eat as much as you wish to eat. However, do not eat just for the taste or to satisfy others. Don’t take any hot food. Also, avoid high-spice food items. Avoid sour food items made with masala and fat-rich oils.

Rather than eating a large quantity in 1 session, it is better to take food at intervals of every 4 hours in smaller quantities. Do not eat in a rush. If this is done, the food during the fast eating carries some air along with it to the digestion system. This may cause chest irritation, So, chew the food thoroughly while eating and then swallow.