Kumari Palany & Co

To improve good cholesterol levels in the body eat cashew nuts daily

Posted on: 05/Feb/2018 10:29:23 AM
The good news that has emerged now is daily consumption of fatty foods like cashew nuts would lower the blood pressure plus it would also improve the good cholesterol levels.

It is important to mention here that the findings have been published in the Journal of Nutrition. A study was conducted on 300 people with type 2 diabetes in the city of Chennai.

It must be noted that half of the above 300 people were asked to eat daily 30gms of unsalted raw broken cashew nuts. After three months these people were tested for many parameters like BP, HDL levels etc.  It is superb that these people had their BP reduced by 5mm plus their HDL levels or good cholesterol has increased by 2mg.

One important piece of information is their blood sugar or body weights were not affected by this daily consumption of cashew nuts.

In the past many studies were conducted on the people after these people have consumed other types of nuts like almonds, walnuts etc but no studies on people were done after they had on consumed cashew nuts. It is well known that these cashew nuts play an important role in Indian curries and sweets by adding flavour.

It is worthy to note that both mono saturated fats or MUFA as well as poly saturated fats or PUFA are present in huge numbers in these nuts and these MUFA and PUFA are termed as good fats.

It is said that Indian foods are made from polished rice and refined wheat and they have high proportions of carbohydrates. These Indian foods have low MUFA and they give just 8 per cent of total energy.

According to Dr Mohan belonging to Madras diabetes research foundation, cashew nuts have high amounts of saturated fats and this is different to other types of nuts. These saturated fats- bad fats are found in meat, ghee plus in other oily food stuffs. Dr Mohan also spoke about the effort taken to check the saturated fat impact on the cholesterol and he concluded that consumption of cashew nuts does not affect cholesterol.

This doctor also made it clear that the cashew nuts must be taken in raw form and not taken by mixing it with salt or other spices and in roasted form etc. This doctor Mohan threw light on the fact that Indians are low on proteins due to vegetarian intake and every 100 gm of cashew nuts have 20 gm of proteins.