Kumari Palany & Co

Are you a Vegetarian, dont worry - Your protein requirements can be fulfilled by eating these foods!!

Posted on: 08/Feb/2022 9:27:48 AM
There is a belief amongst the people that vegetarian foods would not be able to provide the much needed proteins to a person when compared to non-vegetarian foods. This is not correct.

We all know that proteins are very important for us as they would help in growth, development and repair of the human body etc. It must be taken into note that all plant based sources of proteins contain all the essential amino acids.

There are few foods that could provide much needed proteins for the vegetarians or vegans and these are

Intake of lentils:
Lentils are a good source of vegetarian proteins and each cup of lentils would have 18gms of protein. Point is that lentils can be eaten as soups or they can be eaten with rotis/rice etc. The lentils also have fibre content in them as a result of that it would be possible to maintain healthy bacteria inside the gut. Our cells would get protection by the antioxidants, minerals present in lentils.

Intake of legumes:
Chickpeas, kidney beans, black beans etc are examples of lentils. It must be noted that chickpeas contain 15gms of protein per serving. By consuming legumes regularly it would be possible to reduce the cholesterol levels in us.

Intake of green peas:
Point to be noted is that one cup of green peas would provide us with 9gms of protein. Green peas are full of vitamins like A, C and K. We could get the much needed protein by simply adding green peas in the vegetarian diet.

Intake of quinoa:
Low fat content and rich in proteins, quinoa is being consumed by many vegetarians these days. One cup of quinoa could provide 9gms of protein. The blood sugar levels could be kept under control by eating quinoa rich in dietary fibres. The complex carbohydrates and minerals in quinoa along with proteins could provide us various other health benefits too.

Intake of oats:
The presence of proteins and soluble fibres in oats would reduce cholesterol and improve heart health. Truth is that a small cup of oats would provide us with 6gms of protein. Our blood sugar could be managed well by eating oats that have fibres with low glycemic index.

Intake of high protein vegetables:
Not many of us would be aware of the fact that vegetables would also have proteins in them. Various examples of vegetables having proteins are spinach, potatoes, broccoli, asparagus etc. One cup of these vegetables could provide nearly 5gms of proteins.

Intake of fruits:
In general, fruits are always regarded as a poor source of protein. There are few fruits such as guavas, berries and bananas etc that have got proteins in them. These fruits could also be a protein option for vegetarian eaters.