Kumari Palany & Co

Ideal vegetables to beat the heat

Posted on: 18/Jun/2016 10:01:55 AM
According to dieticians, eating the right kind of food can help abate dehydration and make you feel better as you deal with the heat. Here are a few vegetables that help your body cope with the heat. 

Bottle gourd contains 90 per cent water. This means that it is low in calories and is also a good rehydrating food. Says a leading dietician and sports nutritionist, One hundred grams of dudhi or bottle gourd is just 15 kcal. One can gorge on it in various ways like dudhi raita, dudhi pancake, or can make a sweet dish of it like halwa.

Cucumber is another vegetable that is widely considered to be the best food for the summer. It is known to flush out toxins from the body. Says the dietician, One hundred grams of cucumber has 10 kcal and zero fat. You can add this veggie in a vegetable juice, in a salad or on your biscuits or have as it is. A clinical nutritionist says, Choose the green cucumbers and do not peel them. Having them with their skin is very good.

Spinach increases your immunity along with helping in digestion. This, in turn, helps your body resist the severe heat. According to experts, spinach is high in iron and other micro-minerals which we tend to lose during intense activities. 100 gms of this vegetable equals to 24kcal. It is high in fibre and around 0.2 per cent fat. Spinach is considered excellent for people looking for weight loss. Add it in your pasta, dal or soup.

Ridge gourd is an effective blood purifier. Like the other vegetables above, it also aids in digestion. Experts say that it gives a very cooling and calming effect. It is also good for blood pressure patients.

Lettuce is the most basic salad. You can actually binge on lettuce as it is high in fibre and very low in calories. 100 gms of lettuce has only 15kcal. Say experts, People who suffer from constipation problems should have plenty of lettuce. It is rich in vitamin K, which helps increase bone mass. There are many ways one can have it - lettuce can be added in burgers, sandwiches, salads and stews. It also goes well with seafood.

Zucchini helps battle dehydration with its 90 per cent water content. Say experts, 100 gms of zucchini has 17 kcal and zero saturated fats. It is also rich in electrolytes like potassium that we lose due to perspiration. One should have it on a regular basis to replenish electrolytes. It can be combined with broccoli, red and yellow capsicum and red fruits, to enhance its flavour. This vegetable is excellent when it comes to satiety.