Kumari Palany & Co

Parents can handle their ADHD affected kids in these important and effective ways!!

Posted on: 23/Oct/2024 9:26:02 AM

Is your kid having ADHD and are you having a very tough time managing your kid? Please don’t worry!!

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder. Those kids with ADHD would show poor attention, hyperactivity and impulsivity etc. They could create issues for other kids etc. The kids with ADHD must be handled with great care. It is true that the parents can make their ADHD affected kids to thrive both academically and emotionally by consistent effort, by proper understanding etc.

Creating a supporting learning environment:

It is necessary that the parents of ADHD affected kids must create a supporting learning environment that would cater to their requirements. Kids with ADHD would find it tough to study in classrooms etc with many distractions. In such a situation, parents must provide them with a calm organised area with minimum clutter. Hands-on interactive learning methods must be used to engage these kids. This would help the ADHD kids to focus much better.

Various ways by which parents can handle their kids with ADHD are

By establishing clear routines etc:

It is true that anxiety of ADHD kids would get reduced and their focus would get better by establishing clear routines. Creating a daily routine is very important here. Parents must organise activities in a specific way to avoid confusion etc in their kids with this issue.

By breaking tasks into manageable chunks:

Focussing on large tasks would be tough for ADHD kids. Hence, parents must break tasks into manageable portions. By this, these kids would feel a sense of accomplishment. Their self esteem would get boosted.

By practising positive reinforcement:

One way for ADHD kids to develop appropriate behaviour is by positive reinforcement. Parents must never focus on their ADHD kids` mistakes but praise them for their efforts. A reward system can be used by the parents to appreciate their ADHD affected kids.

By setting clear boundaries & consequences etc:

Point is that by setting clear boundaries and consequences the DHD kids would understand acceptable behaviours plus the consequences of crossing those boundaries. Parents must explain the rules clearly and apply them consistently. Parents must never give harsh punishment but only concentrate on teaching and not stress about discipline etc.  

By encouraging physical activity:

By means of regular physical activity, kids with ADHD would be able to channel their excess energy in a positive manner. By doing exercises, mood would get better plus focus would get improved well. The kids would be able to expend their energy in a constructive way. Parents must encourage their ADHD affected kids to do swimming, running or yoga etc.

By teaching social skills and empathy:

Kids with ADHD would be able to associate with others well by making them know social skills and empathy etc. Point is that these kids would struggle to mingle with others etc and teaching them social skills like listening, sharing etc would help them.

By using time management tools:

Normally, managing time would be challenging for the kids with ADHD but parents could help them by means of visual time or schedules or alarms etc. This would help these kids to understand how long the tasks would take to get completed etc. For example, for the home work activity, parents could use a timer.