It has been announced by the State Government of Tamil Nadu that all the schools will reopen on 1st November for the students from the 1st Standard to the 12th Standard.
Accordingly, The State Government Department of School Education has ordered that the Circle Education Officers must undertake an analytical visit to all schools under their jurisdiction before 25th October!
Giving due consideration to the present academic status of the students from the 1st Standard to the 8th Standard, the State Government of Tamil Nadu has announced that the schools will be reopened on 1st November.
Subsequently, this department has ordered that the various necessary preparatory arrangements must be done in all schools under the jurisdiction of the Primary and Middle-level Education Administration.
Further, it has been recommended that to prepare these students mentally for the regular classes, initially, they should be given exercises such as story-telling, drawing, etc!
Subsequently, the respective district education officers will have to submit a report before 25th October on whether all the schools under their jurisdiction are in prepared conditions!
To undertake this check on the preparedness of the schools, officers at 3 levels have been deployed.
The officials have been emphasised that in each district, 25% of the schools are to be checked by the District Education Officer. 5% of the schools are to be checked by the Primary Education Officers. This has to be completed before 25th October.
Further, the State Government School Education Department has emphasised that the safety of the students must be thoroughly confirmed under the prevailing coronavirus pandemic!