The Tamil Nadu Government, under its Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Programme, is organizing a special training course on making bakery products using millets. The training will take place from January 28 to January 31, between 9:30 AM and 6:00 PM, at the Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Centre, Ekkatuthangal, Chennai.
Participants will learn to prepare a variety of millet-based bakery items such as ragi roti, kumbu roti, varaku, sathumavu, fruit roti, ragi chocolate, brownies, wheat plum cakes, jaggery cakes, banana walnut cakes, millet butter cakes, wheat pizza, and more.
Registration Details:
- Reservations can be made in person or by contacting Buddhaka Institute at 8668102600 / 7010143022.
- Accommodation facilities are available for participants.
- For more details,
visit the website:
This program offers a unique opportunity for individuals to develop skills in millet-based baking, promoting entrepreneurship and innovation in the food sector.