Kumari Palany & Co

4000-MW Cheyyur thermal power will have disastrous impacts

Posted on: 15/Jul/2014 2:22:16 PM
Tucking away in this diverse bioregion lies Cheyyur Taluk, in Kancheepuram District approximately 75 km south of Chennai – a cornerstone of the ecological, cultural and social heritage of Tamil Nadu. Little known to the Chennaites, this region is home to massive lagoons, backwaters, estuaries, beaches with massive sand dunes, abundant wildlife, historically significant sites, and is an extremely fertile agricultural region with extensive paddy cultivation.
Cheyyur region is very important from the groundwater perspective. The entire region is dotted with water bodies, that include eris, lagoons and estuaries, are sensitive from a hydrological, agricultural, historical, cultural, ecological and flood management perspective. According to the Tamil Nadu Public Works Department, Cheyyur taluk has more than 80 non-system tanks irrigating 16357 acres, and capable of storing 35.15 million cubic metres (3500 crore litres) of water, in addition to recharging groundwater. 

4000-MW Cheyyur thermal power project has been proposed in this area. A project of this magnitude will have disastrous impacts on this fragile ecosystem and the people that live here. The establishment of the port will cause catastrophic erosion to the beaches and destruction of natural sand dunes of Panaiyur village making our coast more vulnerable to the natural calamities like cyclones. The port will also decimate fish populations posing a threat to the fishermen`s livelihoods. Mercury and other toxic metals discharged by the power plant will pollute the surrounding water bodies and aquifers thus contaminating precious and already scarce water resource. Sulphur dioxide release causes acid rain, which will harm agriculture and acidify oceans. Even slight changes in the acidity of the oceans can cause serious changes in fisheries populations.