For a week now, the residents belonging to Kodambakkam in Chennai did not get drinking water supply and they have been finding it difficult. It is shocking to mention here that a puncture in the pipeline has led to the mixing of the sewage water. The residents here are now forced to buy water from the tankers or use borewell water.
The waterline that runs near Anna Nagar to Kodambakkam through Valluvar Kottam was punctured by CMRL works. This was as per an officer from MWD. He added that the puncture has led to sewage water mixing. On Monday only this was set right and drinking water has not yet reached Kodambakkam. By 13th July only, the Kodambakkam residents would get the supply of drinking water.
This puncture and mixing of sewage water was not a new one and this was as per Mr.S. Gopi, secretary of Subramanya Nagar Civic and Neighbourhood Welfare Association. He threw light on how this issue was present even in 2022 when work on SWD took place. It was later pointed out by Vasanthi Kannan, secretary of Kodambakkam Residents and CivicWelfare Association that even when the pipeline was repaired in one place there was a puncture in another place.
Now, the power charges have increased as the residents used borewell water for more than 10 hours a day. She concluded that the common area electricity bill would be Rs 6000 to Rs 7000. It is worth mentioning here that TNUHDB settlement present in Rajapillai Thottam had the same issue and MWD had sent tankers