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Colon Cancer Symposium 2025 in Chennai Today - Importance of early identification of colorectal cancer through screening!!

Posted on: 22/Mar/2025 9:51:40 AM

There is now a huge cause for concern as more cases of colorectal cancer are getting reported. In this scenario, the Chennai doctors mentioned the huge need to identify and treat the cancer early.

What is colorectal cancer?

Also known as bowel cancer, colorectal cancer is a cancer that arises from the large intestine. Point to be noted is that based on the location in the large bowel it could be either colon cancer or rectal cancer. Mostly, persons who are above the age of 50 get affected by this colorectal cancer. In India, one third of persons aged 50 and more are affected by these cancers and that is really shocking. Fact is that men are more affected than women. This was according to a press release.

It was explained by Dr. K.R. Palaniswamy, senior consultant, Gastroenterology at Apollo Hospitals in Chennai that awareness about colon cancer was very low. He spoke about how the colorectal cancer was treatable but must be identified in the earlier stage. He concluded that screening for early diagnosis must be promoted.

Information is that Gastroenterology Trust and Apollo Hospitals has joined hands to organise a colon cancer symposium 2025 on 22nd March 2025. The press release mentioned that in India one in 10000 persons develop bowel cancer. It is learnt that 2 out of 3 persons diagnosed with this cancer die in the same year because of late diagnosis.

According to Dr. Ubal Dhus, senior consultant, Gastroenterology in Apollo Hospitals in Chennai 1200 patients who have been diagnosed with colo-rectal cancers from 23 centres( both govt and private hospitals) across TN were assessed. This was based on the colorectal study that was carried out by the Indian Society of Gastroenterology, TN Chapter during 2021-22.

Dr Ubal Dhus spoke about how one –fourth of the patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer were smokers and one-third consumed alcohol and one-third were obese. Truth is that obesity was a main reason for colorectal cancer.

According to Dr. N. Thirumoorthy, lead medical gastroenterologist from Cancer Institute, a simple stool test would pick up colon cancer early. He added that colonoscopy could be done if the stool test was positive. He concluded that through faecal occult blood screening, invisible blood in the stool could be identified.

It was explained by Dr. P. Basumani, consultant from Apollo Hospitals that colon cancer was the fourth common cancer across India. He added that it was 95% curable when diagnosed early.