Kumari Palany & Co

Music Therapy – Curative for Special Children

Posted on: 30/Apr/2014 5:02:37 PM

In this modern world, doctors are peeping beyond utilizing melodies for illness including cancer and depression. Music therapy brings in major improvements to the special children with neurological inabilities like spasticity, say many health experts across the city. Exceptionally music brings in gifted upshots in the treatment of mental retardation, autism, multiple disabilities and cerebral palsy.

Music therapy helps their small patients to pacify and lessen their stress, said L V Jayashree, director of Spastics Society of Tamil Nadu (SPASTN). Music boosts their concentration and condenses their hyperactivity. We are able to control kid’s emotions, when they involve in playing or listening to music. Hence, we have pioneered music therapy as part of our prospectus and there has been an exceptional change, she added.

Research has confirmed that a certain tone, note or pitch has a relaxing effect on both the body and mind, and this will aid to restore and enhance psychological, emotional, and physiological health. It will aid the kids to move out of their comfort level and perks up their self respect, she added.

Dance will help in upgrading the mobility and flexibility of the children with neurological disorders, says the Classical dancer Uma Murali.

The musical will be carrying out at Sir Mutha Venkatta Subba Rao recital hall on 17 May, says Madurai R Muralidharan, Director of Yagnaseni.