Kumari Palany & Co

Accident free Chennai: 10 point appeal released by police

Posted on: 11/Jul/2016 1:06:24 PM
Chennai Police had announced that 10th July will be considered as an Accident free Chennai day. Special checks were conducted at 236 spots in the city from 8 am till 8 pm, and motorists were checked for helmet-less driving, triples, drunken driving, authenticity of licenses and RC books.
An official release from the office of the City Police Commissioner read: The rise in traffic accident deaths is a serious cause for concern throughout the world. Greater Chennai Police has been taking various steps to control the occurrence of traffic accidents and reduce fatal accidents in Chennai.
Ten-point appeal of the city police: 
  •     Drive with consciousness about road safety.
  •     Follow all traffic rules.
  •     Do not drink and drive.
  •     Do not use cell phones or be distracted while driving.
  •     Wear Helmets while riding two wheelers.
  •     Avoid triple riding.
  •     Do not over speed or rash drive.
  •     Respect and give way for pedestrians.
  •     Do not allow minors or persons without proper driving license to drive your vehicle.
  •     Educate your near and dear ones on road safety and convey the message of Accident Free Day to everyone.