Kumari Palany & Co

Sudden fire in the trash heap in Kodungaiyur creates problems to the residents now

Posted on: 10/Apr/2018 9:56:11 AM
Located in the northern part of the city of Chennai, Kodungaiyur is an important place and is now making news. This Kodungaiyur comes under the Perambur Taluk of Chennai city district is well known. It must be noted that on Monday, 9th April 2018, smoke came out from trash heaps present there for nearly 6 hours. Greater Chennai Corporation or GCC struggled to put out the sudden fire that came out. The shocking news is toxic gas came out of the fire and many neighbouring localities have been affected. As early as 9am in the morning the smoke had filled the atmosphere. In the last few years landfill trash had not caught fire.

Mr. Ganesan Perumal who is living in this Kodungaiyur expressed his thoughts and said there used to be fire on occasions even in the past but they were not this much huge.  

Many persons who were moving in their motorbikes in Tondiarpet High Road faced irritations due to the fire from the trash heaps here yesterday. At the entrance near the weigh bridge the smoke came out from the trash heap and it caught the attention of many.

According to GCC, there was no blaze and the fire was small. It is important to mention that the smoke created false impression and made it look like a blaze.

According to an official belonging to GCC, earth movers were applied so that the trash could be flattened and levelled mud was used to douse the fire.

The official also explained how heat was responsible for the sudden fire from the trash heaps in Kodungaiyur. He spoke about how after the rains the presence of moisture in the trash prevented any fire and how increase in the temperature made the trash dry. The official highlighted that the finer particles fly off in the dry air and spread the fire.

It must not be forgotten that in the month of February in the year 2017 this Kodungaiyur trash heap attracted the attention of many when it caught fire. The reason said that time was tree waste was collected from the city after cyclone Wardah and that resulted in the big fire.