The state government of Tamil Nadu has a taken a decision to deliver the sands directly to the buyer address in order to prevent the sand being sold at exorbitant prices. Action has already been initiated on this; a higher official informed that an official announcement on this will be released soon.
The severe shortage of sand has resulted in huge hardships for the private builders, maintenance agents, the entrepreneurs engaged in the construction of apartments and commercial complexes, etc.
On an average, 35000 lorry loads of sand are required every day in Tamil Nadu. However, only 6000 lorry loads of sand are available. Those who are in the committed schedule of construction are constrained to buy a lorry load of 2 units of sand bought at the rate of Rs. 50000.
So, the state government has taken several initiatives to get over this shortage of sand. As a part, it has tried to create an awareness among the public about m-sand (sand made out of crumbled rocks).
Also, action has been taken to import sand from abroad and so far, 110750 metric tons of river sand from Malaysia has been imported and the material has arrived in the ports of Chennai Ennore and Tuticorin. The quality of the sand is being conducted in 3 stages and will be on sales from today (Tuesday, 25th September).
The parties interested in buying the sand will have to register online on the website - and make the payment. Sand will be sold on the priority basis.
In this situation, 56740 metric tons of sand from Malaysia arrived in Chennai Ennore Kamaraj port. The sand unloaded from the post has been stored at the open land of 1.5 acres.
The officials conducted a meeting yesterday to fix the price for this sand. A higher official explained in this regard that the sand imported from Malaysia is under quality tests. Once the quality test in 2 stages gets completed and confirms that the sand is good for construction activities, the sales of this sand will start by the 1st week of October.
Depending on the popularity for this imported sad from the buyers, additional quantities of sand will be imported. It has been organised to import sands of up to 30 Lakhs metric tons of sand. The sand will be delivered on ships immediately as on demand. As the sand is sold at higher prices primarily due to the increased cost of diesel, Tamil Nadu PWD (Public Works Department) itself has undertaken the responsibility to deliver the sand to the buyers’ addresses.
The rules and regulations for this are being framed. Subsequently, a fair rate per km for the lorries will be fixed. A government announcement regarding this will be released shortly.
The price of the sand lying at Tuticorin has been fixed at Rs. 9900 per unit (4.5 toms) The sand lying at Chennai Ennore may be sold at Rs. 10000 to Rs. 11000 per unit.