Kumari Palany & Co

Absence of Department Heads- Brings Backlogs in City Government Hospitals

Posted on: 17/Mar/2014 5:05:32 PM
Presently, the Medical Council of India (MCI) is accomplishing check across all the state medical colleges. Main theme is raise the number of seats and renew licenses, based on the evaluation of the infrastructure and teaching standards. Hence, many departments in Government General Hospital linger its head.

Various department heads at the Government hospital including department of surgery and department of orthopedics have been involved in this inspection. The GH has about 50 departments in it and they not only treat patients but also involved in teaching and researches.

The department of medicine didn’t have a director for six months, also the surgery and orthopedics departments have not had an administrative head for the past two months.

Without the chief, various responsibilities like scheduling surgeries, keeping track of doctors in the department and monitoring student’s attendance and results has become an intimidating task.

The absence of a department head has caused a lot of backlog in administration and even patients are affected as there is no one to co-ordinate for scheduling surgeries, say hospital sources.

The former dean of a government hospital, however, said there are chunks to issue appointment orders even with the model code in effect, if the authorities avail permission from the EC.