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Woman must be careful about these factors that can lead to breast cancer!!

Posted on: 29/Jun/2024 11:51:19 AM

These days, breast cancer has become so common in women. Yes, shocking but true!!

It is known that this cancer begins from breast cells. Mostly, breast cancer would occur in the ducts present in the breast.

There are several signs associated with breast cancer like lump in the breast, change in breast shape, dimpling of skin, bone pain, swollen lymph nodes etc

Various factors why a woman can get affected by breast cancer are

Age factor:

After 50 years, the risk of getting breast cancer becomes more in women. It is true that a woman by regular mammograms and by self examination etc can detect breast cancer in the early stage itself and get treated.

Family history:

There are more chances of getting breast cancer if there is family history. It must be noted that certain genetic mutations can also increase the chances of breast cancer in women.

Exposure to oestrogen:

There is more risk of getting breast cancer due to lifetime exposure to oestrogen. It is noteworthy that factors like early menstruation before age of 12, late menopause after the age of 55, hormone replacement therapy, never having kids etc could contribute to early exposure to oestrogen.

Dense breast tissue:

It would be a huge challenge to detect breast cancer (by mammogram alone) if a woman has dense breast tissue. In such cases, additional screening like ultrasound or MRMRI would be superb.

Lack of physical activity, obesity etc:

There are more possibilities of getting breast cancer if a woman leads a sedentary kind of lifestyle. Obesity would also increase the risk of breast cancer. In such a scenario, a woman must engage in physical activity and reduce her excess weight etc.

Intake of alcohol:

A woman can also get affected by breast cancer if she consumes excess amounts of alcohol. Therefore, it is necessary to quit alcohol intake or atleast reduce the intake.

Exposure to radiations:

It is important to note that when a woman gets exposed to radiation in her childhood or in her adolescent age, then there are more chances for her to get breast cancer. Therefore, a woman must discuss (about her previous exposure to radiation) with the doctor compulsorily.

Important note:

Though these factors mentioned above can increase the risk of getting breast cancer in women, having one or more risk factors doesn`t mean that a woman could get this issue.

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