Kumari Palany & Co

Few Breaking Pregnancy Myths!

Posted on: 06/Feb/2015 10:12:33 AM

On announcing the glad news of your pregnancy, you will locate your self-surrounded by benevolent family members, relatives, friends and even strangers queuing up to grant you advice. You will be pondering whom to trust and what not to consider?

Here are few common pregnancy myths:

Myth 1: It is good to overeat as you are eating for two

Do not get expel away and let yourself go meekly as you are pregnant. Avert consuming double helpings since experts explain that a middling woman with a typical weight before she got pregnant only needs about 300 extra calories every day to make sure that her baby in the womb stays healthy. Experts suggests a woman should preferably only gain about 27 to 30 pounds. Bear in mind, losing pregnancy weight is one of the toughest things to do when handling a new born.

Myth 2: Avoid colouring your hair

Generally experts do restraint women to thwart colouring their hair just as a safety measure. Several recent studies declare that the chemicals substances from hair dye get engrossed very marginally via the skin -in minimal amounts that might not sham any threat. The perfect way out is to avert hair colour during your first trimester and also thwart dyes, which holds ammonia.

Myth: Chuck out the caffeine products entirely

If you are one among the person, those who never able to live without the intake of caffeine products, don’t worry! But, there have been numerous studies states that caffeine may trigger miscarriage, premature birth or a baby with a low birth weight. But though, consuming less than 200 milligrams of caffeine every day is stated to be acceptable with no evidenced peril to the foetus.

Myth: Not allowing sex

Except mentioned by the doctor, it is not necessary for you to desist from sex. It is a myth that sex is injurious for the foetus in the womb, which is well guarded by an amniotic sac, strong uterine muscles and a thick mucus plug. The simple things you ought to pay attention against are sexually transmitted infections as they might get diffused to the unborn child.