Kumari Palany & Co

Some useful Apps from Google

Posted on: 15/Aug/2016 5:00:21 PM
It is a fact that in the present world of cell phones, the usage of Apps is ubiquitous in helping carry out several important activities.

Most of the world’s mobile phones function on Google’s Android platform. They have also been introduced by Google.

While there is a profusion of Apps, there are many useful Apps apart from the hugely popular Gmail and mapping facilities.

Android device manager

If an Android mobile is lost, this App helps locate it. This mobile App formats the lost phone through the help of another phone and helps locate it.

Google Authenticator

When you enter the various tasks like checking e-mail or your accounts or entering the different social media networks, this App provides double check and security.

Gesture Search

This App helps by typing the first letter of the information you want to search from loads of information stored by you.

Arts and Culture

This App helps you to the knowledge of all the museums and cherished artworks the world over.


This App has been created to facilitate browsing through the user’s e-mails in an exclusive way. This has been designed with priority for mails on important info such as travel tickets.