Kumari Palany & Co

Railways not to paste Reservation charts in trains henceforth

Posted on: 02/Oct/2017 12:07:42 PM
Giving a push to its Go Green policy, Indian Railways has decided not to paste reservation charts on train coaches henceforth. For about 3 months, this will be implemented on trial basis.
Hinting about this, a senior official from the Chennai Division of Southern Railway said that aiming at keeping the coaches neat and clean, this initiative is taken as a pilot project. For passengers who have got their tickets confirmed or in waiting list or get confirmed in the last minute, SMS with seating arrangements are sent to the passengers. So, it is going to be hassle-free for finding out the coaches.
This initiative will also cut down the use of paper. In five cities including Chennai, New Delhi, Kolkata, Bengaluru and Mumbai, the pilot project will be implemented.
Fearing of possible commotions likely to result out of this move, a section of train passengers’ association and consumer activists are raising voice stating their displeasure.
One such consumer activist from Pattabiram said this initiative to cease pasting reservation charts may end up with a lot of commotions, particularly for senior citizens who are probably not tech-savvy. In spite of the SMS being sent with ticket details, the charts are imperative, he affirmed.
In March last year, the Indian Railways had planned to cease the practice of pasting reservation chart in order to give a push to Go Green policy. This however was withdrawn following negative feedbacks from all corners.