The state government of Tamil Nadu has announced that every candidate who is writing NEET in case they have been allotted centres in different states will get the following: they can reclaim the train fare and themselves and one accompanying person as second-class return ticket fares. And also a travel allowance of Rs. 1000.
The procedure
The candidates get the above in advance by sending their applications to the respective Chief Educational Officer through the Headmaster of the school. Otherwise, they can reclaim by applying attaching the necessary documents on return from the NEET exam. The candidates who claimed the allowance in advance will need to submit the travel proofs to the respective CEOs. The refund will be made on submitting the copies of the NEET hall ticket or admit card and the school ID card.
In case the candidate encounters any difficulties in the above reclaiming procedure, they can contact the respective Chief Educational Officer or the School Education Department by calling the toll-free number 14417.