The geocoding process for 150,000 bus stops in the state of Tamil Nadu were completed by the transport department is known. The news that has come out now is soon mobile application and website would be implemented by the transport department and by this the commuters would be able to track or locate the buses. By the month of January in the year 2019 this implementation would be done.
In the state of TN, as many as 22000 buses use 150,000 bus stops and the sources have revealed that the score of teams belonging to STU or State Transport Undertakings has already coded the geo position for nearly 150000 bus stops. A proposal was invited to develop an application and good response was got from individuals, techies, other engineers etc. They were later interviewed and bidder was selected from the above mentioned group of persons. Early next year implementation of the project would be carried out. This was confirmed by a senior official. One important point is mobile app would serve as the backbone of the application to be built for the bus commuters.
Another official pointed out that the applications would have details like specific stops plus others like origin destination, geo map of all the requests in a dashboard. In the standardised GTFS or General Transit Feed Specification, the data feed would be made available to the transport department. A senior official expressed his opinion about the move and spoke about how the move would pave way for various departments and state transport corporations to perform better Route Rationalisation or RR and plan bus network better suited to the changing needs of the people.
It is now said that this data would help the STUs to visualise its operations and optimises its schedules so that bus bunching would be reduced and the occupancy ratios would be increased.
According to Mr. Daniel Robinson, programme manager, Chennai City Connect, at a time when private mode of transportation has got such facility for the commuters then such efforts would bring happiness for the commuters as they prefer to travel in the government buses.