The departed former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, Jayalalithaa, started the system of Amma Canteens in the state to provide quality food at a reasonably lower price for the poor people and downtrodden of the society. Food items such as idli, sambar rice, curd rice, and chapattis are sold in Amma canteens.
In this situation, recently, the state government of Tamil Nadu has taken a decision to offer the Amma canteen food free for the labourers/workers in the construction industry. Accordingly, the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister E. Palanismay inaugurated today (Monday, 4th March) this new scheme of free food for construction workers from Amma Canteens at the Amma Canteen located at Chennai Santhome.
The Chief Minister tasted the food as well! Later, he distributed free food items to the construction workers.
Ministers and higher state government officials participated in this event.
The free food is offered for the construction workers at the 407 Amma Canteens functioning under the Chennai Metro Corporation.
The workers will need to have the registration done and have the proper Identity Card to avail of this free food offer.