In the month of January, a section of teachers took part in the protests by the JACTTO-GEO and disciplinary actions have been initiated against these teachers is well known. The point is these teachers would not be considered for promotion in this year by the school education department.
Deputy Director of education department had sent a circular to the chief educational officers or CEOs across TN. It was stated in the circular that the teachers against whom disciplinary action had been initiated would not be considered for promotion till they offered an explanation. It is important to note that there are routine recommendations sent out every year towards the preparation of initial list of teachers eligible for promotion.
As per a JACTTO-GEO coordinator, Mr. Suresh, disciplinary action under 17(b) has been initiated against many teachers for unauthorised absence from work, participating in the protests and getting arrested. He revealed that nearly 1500 teachers could have been considered for promotions if disciplinary action was not initiated against them for taking part in the protests. It was mentioned by a teacher who took part in the protest that they were expected to give an explanation regarding why disciplinary action should not be taken against them.
It is now said that in the month of June members of JACTTO-GEO are having plans to appeal to the chief minister of TN for the action initiated against them to be withdrawn. The important point is these members of JACTTO-GEO want to work in co-operation with the government.