The School Education Department of the State Government of Tamil Nadu has ordered all the school teachers of the government and government-aided schools who presently staying in other districts to report for duty before 21st May because of the scheduled 10th Standard Public Examinations.
The Public Examinations for the 10th Standards are scheduled to be conducted from 1st June. As such, the State School Education Department has been intensifying the associated activities in preparation. In this situation, it got the feedback from some headmasters of the government or government-aided schools regarding some of the teachers who have traveled to other districts and residing there presently. Hence, the Department has ordered the principals to submit a report listing the teachers failing to return to duty before 11.00 AM on 21st May!
Further, the headmasters have been instructed to collect the residential addresses of the students writing the 10th standard Public Examinations and in case any student is in other districts, arrange e-pass for the student’s immediate return to write the examinations.