Kumari Palany & Co

No more deserted looks at the retail shops on the streets of Chennai - Deepavali festival mood is back now!!

Posted on: 23/Oct/2021 9:42:57 AM
The deserted look of the streets in Chennai having shops has gone now with the festival of deepavali round the corner!!

With just a few more days to go for deepavali, the streets are buzzing with activities. There are now many lanes and by-lanes in Chennai with bright lights, decorated shops etc welcoming customers.

It is well known that for many months these shops were shut down to prevent the spread of Coronavirus infection and the business went down. Now, things have become normal with Covid-19 brought under control and these shops have been doing good business.

According to Mr. Kumar Rajagopalan, CEO, RAI, till now the retail off-take has been good. He spoke about how the business in the month of October has been reasonable. Only by the middle of November, there would be some clarity available regarding the deepavali business. He concluded that the business results of September have shown that the business during the pre-Covid levels was reached.

It is worthy to mention that the chance to meet friends, relatives and celebrate the festive season has been responsible for all-round happiness. The retail shops in Chennai might not witness huge crowds but the overall sentiment is positive. The mood is better now and the people who do not have enough money on their hands could depend on the consumer credit. This time around, the retail shops in Chennai are confident of doing business 10 to 15%more.

It is clear that due to the social distancing and various other Covid-19 norms, direct physical shopping would be little difficult now. Point is that the lines between offline and online shopping have blurred and the emergence of omni channels has been sensational for retailers now. The customers could combine e-commerce and physical purchasing well now. Exploring online and buying at the shops is done by many customers.