The night curfew has been imposed by the government of Tamil Nadu now to control the Coronavirus and Omicron variant spread. This has not prevented the vehicles on the roads in the night time.
The police personnel have been very active in the night time now and have been seizing the vehicles that run on the roads despite the night curfew.
It is known that from 31st of December 2021 night curfew plus total lockdown on Sundays were implemented to curb the spread of the Coronavirus and Omicron infection. The number of Covid-19 infection cases has increased to huge proportions now in TN and the police personnel have intensified their checks also in the night time.
The police personnel have begun to penalize those who violate the rules that are needed to be followed compulsorily in this critical situation. Point is that 312 vehicle checking booths have been set up in Chennai now by the police department. It must be noted that a fine amount of Rs 6.35 lakhs have been collected from the 3174 violators regarding compliance with the facemasks on Sunday alone.
As many as 517 vehicles have been seized by the police personnel for not following the night curfew rule. The people have been advised not to come out unnecessarily now. The policemen have booked cases against 226 persons for not following covid-19 protocols.
According to the Chennai police commissioner, Mr. Shankar Jiwal, the public must follow (for controlling Coronavirus and Omicron Variant) the guidelines of the government without fail.