Kumari Palany & Co

No More Medicines!! Cure headaches naturally by these amazing ways!!

Posted on: 22/Oct/2022 8:52:51 AM
Getting headaches have become very common these days and this could be due to factors like busy lives and chaotic schedules etc. It is true that headaches could be due to stress or dehydration or even due to staring at the computer monitors continuously. Many of us have the habit of taking medicines immediately to get relief from this issue. Point is that taking medicines might lead to issues later on in their lives. Therefore, we must opt for natural ways to get relief from headaches. Truth is that headaches could lead to severe pain, vomiting, nausea etc in us.

By massaging:
The tensed muscles in us would get eased by massaging. It must be noted that stress and tension in the upper parts of the body could lead to headaches in us. The strain on the muscles due to poor posture or due to excessive workouts  could be the reasons. The pain would get lowered by massaging and as the tensed muscles would be opened up. Instant results could be possible by providing pressure to certain pain  causing points.

By using ice pack:
We could get relief from headaches immediately by applying an ice pack over our scalp or forehead etc. This might be due to the reduction in the blood flow. It is ok to use frozen gel  packs or water soaked cloth etc also.

By applying lavender oil:
When we apply lavender oil, then we feel calm and relaxed. The vital compounds present in this oil would help us to get relief from severe headaches. This lavender oil could be mixed with carrier oil and applied to the pain points and massaged gently.

Breathing exercises:
It is possible to calm down the affected nerves (due to stress and tension etc) by doing breathing exercises. The muscles would get pacified by doing breathing exercises as it would put effort on the nerves.

By drinking relaxing teas:
By drinking a cup of hot tea, the tensed muscles would get warm and we would be able to wind down peacefully. Herbal teas like hibiscus, chamomile, dandelion and ginger teas etc would be superb and they would cure the headaches well.