Kumari Palany & Co

Surprising details about traffic congestion and speed limits in Chennai revealed by the Additional Commissioner of Police Traffic!!

Posted on: 06/Nov/2023 9:45:29 AM
Only after research and study by the experts the new speed limits have been implemented in Chennai. This was mentioned by Mr. Sudhakaran, additional commissioner of police, traffic.  It is surprising to mention here that the existing speed limits were made in 2003 and were lesser than those that have been proposed now. He spoke about how the infrastructure and the vehicle numbers have changed in the last 20 years. 

The additional commissioner later mentioned that the aim of the new speed milts in Chennai was to make the road travel safer. About 121 vehicle users have been fined for speed limit violation through ANPR cameras of the road rules on Saturday. For ensuring free mobility on the Chennai roads, Chennai police dept has associated with IIT M Centre for Excellence for Road Safety or CoERS for solution sake.

It is surprising to note that Chennai city stands 53rd in the global traffic congestion. Chennai has got an average congestion rate of 20%. Top five positions in traffic congestion are now occupied by cities like Paris, London, New York, Moscow and New Delhi.

Information is that the average congestion index that was 40% in March in Chennai in 2023 has come down to 26% in November now. In Chennai, the new speed limits would allow the light motor vehicles or LMVS to go at speed of 60kmph and heavy motor vehicles or HMV to go at speed of 50kmph.