One common symptom women would get during her menopause is hot flash or sudden sensation of a warmth feeling in her upper body. The hormonal changes that take place during the menopause stage are responsible for hot flashes. Point is that the hot flashes could occur from 20 to 30 minutes. It must be noted that puberty is the stage when the monthly periods begin in a girl and menopause stage is when monthly periods stop in the women. Various symptoms associated with hot flashes are sudden flare of heat, rapid heartbeat, excessive sweating, red flushed skin, irritation etc
There are few foods that could worsen the hot flashes. So, women must be careful regarding these foods and avoid them totally.
The foods that can worsen the hot flashes are
Avoid intake of spicy foods:
Those women who are finding it difficult to manage their hot flashes during the menopause stage must refrain from eating spicy foods. By eating spicy foods, the capsaicin present in these spicy foods would increase the body temperature and worsen hot flashes. It would be superb to add cooling foods like cucumbers, bananas etc. So, please take care
Avoid intake of sugary and refined foods:
It is known that these sugary and refined foods have high glycemic index or GI. Intake of these foods would spike the blood sugar levels. Hormonal balance would get disrupted leading to hot flashes etc. Therefore, to keep sugar cravings away, women must consume fibre rich foods etc. By this, worsening of hot flashes could be avoided.
Avoid intake of caffeine:
When trying to avoid or prevent hot flashes, increase in the body temperature must be avoided. This could be done by avoiding coffee or tea containing caffeine. It has been brought out by research study that caffeine would worsen vasomotor symptoms like hot flashes etc. Please be careful
Avoid intake of alcohol:
Women could have a worsening of hot flash issues if she consumes alcohol. The reason is that alcohol intake would dilate the blood vessels leading to skin flushing and it would increase the frequency of hot flashes etc.