The Chennai High Court has issued an order during January last year regarding excess number of passengers carried by shared autos beyond the limit of the allowed number of passengers.
However, this order was not implemented.
The well-known social-activist, ‘Traffic’ Ramaswamy, had submitted a petition that as the order was not implemented, action on offending the court orders should be taken on the state Government Chief Secretary, Transport department Secretary, and the collector of the police.
The issue was enquired by the acting Chief Judge Satish. K. Agnihotri and Judge, Mr. M M Sundaresh.
The secretary for transport and state police collector informed that Rs. 91,35,110/- was collected as the penalty for exceeding the number of passengers; the permit for 40 shared autos were suspended. The permit for 13 shared auto were cancelled.
Following the judges issued new order:
The large amount of penalty collected is an indicator of the trend of taking excess passengers is continuing. Hence, just collection of penalty will not be sufficient. More severe actions such as cancellation of permit is warranted.
The judges further informed that since the government has already initiated corrective action, the enquiry on the petition asking for action on government officials is completed.